Wednesday, October 26, 2005

it's all in my head

So I was in a board-game shop yesterday and I ask the clerk:

"Do you have Boggle or Operation?"

The fifty-something store manager looked at me like I had just peed in his store.

"Excuse me?"

"Boggle. Operation. The board games."

"How do you spell that?"

"B-o-g-g-l-e. O-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n."

"Operation? Are you a nurse?"


"Miss, all these game names are in your head."

This is not what you say to clients, at least not to their faces. Plus, this guy sells board games. I mean, Operation and Boggle are not exactly obscure items in the board-game market.

"Um, no sir, I'm pretty sure Boggle and Operation are actual games."

Visibly annoyed, he scrached his head and nodded in disagreement.

"Okay. Give me a minute, he said, I will check my binder."

I thought he said computer, but he actually fished out a crabby-looking binder and told me it would only take seconds, as everything in there was alphabetical. Well whooey, I feel so much better now. There is order in the binder.

"No, these games do not exist ma'am."

As if I had only dreamed about the existence of Operation and Boggle. I chose not to make a big deal out of it, as it would only make my existence worse to try to explain what these games are about and how popular they are and how much of a dick he was. But I thought he at least deserved to end up on a blog.

I rest my handbag.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kine,

Last summer, I bought Operation and Trouble at Wal-Mart which, by the way, I was boycotting at the time! Damn it, sometimes, I can't control myself!

12:24 PM  
Blogger Kine said...

Nancy, don't beat yourself up. I love Walmart: after every visit I stop by Canadian Tire and it evens out. :-)

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incroyable! Tu devrais aller trouver plein d'infos historiques sur la popularité de ces jeux (genre, comparaison avec le Monopoly!) et t'amuser à lui faire une lettre anonyme (découpe les lettres dans un magazine). Lui envoyer le tout par la poste, ou le glisser sous la porte de son magasin. What a fun adventure! (et quelle perte de temps, mais ô combien libératrice!) J'irai faire un tour à ce magasin avec la même question lorsque j'irai te voir. ;o)

12:36 PM  
Blogger Kine said...

Excellente idée, partner in crime. On pourrait monopoliser son fax et lui jouer des tours au téléphone à partir d'une cabine téléphonique.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boggle? Operation? Hum, Kine, tu souffres d'hallucinations de jeux de société. C'est comme le Mille Bornes pis le Twister: C'EST TOUT DANS TA TÊTE!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Kine said...

La boutique s'appelle Puzzles & Games (dans le Sparks Mall au centre-ville). J'ai soif de revenge mais je n'ai as envie de revoir son visage. L'idée de faire appeler des gens est excellente. J'aimerais vraiment entendre sa réaction.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J'ai commencé l'opération. J'arrive à Wawa le 5 nov. Ça risque d'être humiliant pour ce monsieur d'apprendre qu'il existe environ 7 variantes du jeu Boggle et que Operation existe depuis 1965... ;o)

3:41 PM  
Blogger Voix said...

I love Boggle. I've been playing it since I was a kid. You'd think it would make me better at Scrabble, but I'm just awful at Scrabble.

Great post.

12:09 AM  

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